Category Topics

Eclectic Classroom

As Eclectic Horseman ventures into the new world of online learning we will use this forum for students to post questions about upcoming online classes. Each class will have a separate thread titled so that it matches the online class. Students can post their questions ahead of time so that instructor and other students can be thinking about answers… and more questions!

Introductions + Horse Stories

Tell us about yourself and your history with horses, etc. Also be sure and tell us where you live and love to ride!

Horse Training Questions

Please use this space to ask each other questions about your horsemanship challenges and successes.

Gear Questions & Recommendations

Please use this category to ask questions about gear usage, recommendations, history, etc.

Clinic Reviews & Reports

Have you just been to a clinic and want to give us a report? Do you have questions about a clinic that you are considering?

Health & Horsekeeping

There are always health issues that arise with horses, please use this area to pose questions and offer advice on health and horsekeeping.

Stuff In Magazine & Videos

Discussions, questions, concerns, related topics, and general chit-chat about articles or a video segments. Also discuss our site, its organization, how it works, and how you think we can improve it.